Tulsa World | Tesla Tulsa https://teslatulsanews.com Everything important about Tesla in Tulsa. Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:45:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/teslatulsanews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2020/05/cropped-Tesla-Tulsa-Fav.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Tulsa World | Tesla Tulsa https://teslatulsanews.com 32 32 Michael Overall: It will take more than luck for Tulsa to become the next Austin – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:45:21 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=647 Tulsa will work hard if they want to win Tesla from Austin. But the Tulsan’s are not gonna give up that easily.

Sometime in 1966, a real estate agent came to the Austin Chamber of Commerce with a list of questions about the city. But he refused to name his client.The very next day, another agent arrived with the same list of questions but also refused to say who wanted the information.


View the full story at TulsaWorld: https://www.tulsaworld.com/news/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin/article_ebd2899c-c900-5880-9653-00f0f928e452.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 647
Tulsa vs. Austin to get Tesla: A look at the stats – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:57:45 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=629 Comparison are shown between Tulsa and Austin as to who will get the new Tesla plant.

State and local leaders began pitching Oklahoma as the best home for Tesla’s new Cybertruck Gigafactory as soon as Elon Musk let it be known he was looking for a place to build in America’s heartland.


View full story at: https://www.tulsaworld.com/business/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats/collection_7b34607a-cab1-566c-b490-9628452a3d4a.html#13

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Don’t let the silence fool you. Tulsa still in the running for Tesla factory, state official says – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/dont-let-the-silence-fool-you-tulsa-still-in-the-running-for-tesla-factory-state-official-says-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/dont-let-the-silence-fool-you-tulsa-still-in-the-running-for-tesla-factory-state-official-says-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:23:53 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=622 The campaign continues as Sean Kouplen, Oklahoma’s Secretary of Commerce and Gov. Kevin Stitt discussed that Tulsa has a big advantage in winning the decision for the construction of the new Tesla plant.

It seems like forever ago that Mayor G.T. Bynum stood at the feet of a new-look Golden Driller and made a pitch for Tulsa to become the home of Tesla’s next manufacturing facility.In fact, it was just five weeks ago. Five weeks of waiting to see whether the electronic-vehicle maker would build its “Cybertruck Gigafactory” in Austin, Texas, or Tulsa.


View full story at Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/business/dont-let-the-silence-fool-you-tulsa-still-in-the-running-for-tesla-factory-state/article_29961172-5690-57ce-ad87-d7b8e1f2068d.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/dont-let-the-silence-fool-you-tulsa-still-in-the-running-for-tesla-factory-state-official-says-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 622
‘We really want Tesla bad’: Tulsa chamber president explains city’s desire for Tesla in ‘Let’s Talk’ town hall – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/we-really-want-tesla-bad-tulsa-chamber-president-explains-citys-desire-for-tesla-in-lets-talk-town-hall-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/we-really-want-tesla-bad-tulsa-chamber-president-explains-citys-desire-for-tesla-in-lets-talk-town-hall-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:04:53 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=614 Tulsa Regional Chamber President and CEO Mike Neal is desperate to lure Tesla in Tulsa. He also explained why Tulsa is the perfect place for Tesla.

Desire is what sets Tulsa apart from Austin, Texas, in the race to land the Tesla factory, a Tulsa Regional Chamber executive said Tuesday.


View full story at Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/business/watch-now-we-really-want-tesla-bad-tulsa-chamber-president-explains-citys-desire-for-telsa/article_9168d720-48b7-5746-a29a-839ed506c542.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/we-really-want-tesla-bad-tulsa-chamber-president-explains-citys-desire-for-tesla-in-lets-talk-town-hall-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 614
Watch Now: New Tesla in Tulsa promo video released starring famous Oklahoma voice – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/watch-now-new-tesla-in-tulsa-promo-video-released-starring-famous-oklahoma-voice-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/watch-now-new-tesla-in-tulsa-promo-video-released-starring-famous-oklahoma-voice-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:58:44 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=611 Tulsa released a promotional video with a celebrity to lure Tesla to build their factory at Tulsa.

In another push to lure Tesla to Tulsa, the Route 66 Alliance is sharing this video of local historian and author Michael Wallis, who voiced the Sheriff in Pixar’s movie “Cars.” He tells how Tulsa’s history is entwined with Route 66, and why Tesla coming to Tulsa is the next chapter in our story.


Watch the video at Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/business/watch-now-new-tesla-in-tulsa-promo-video-released-starring-famous-oklahoma-voice/article_09eeeedf-ed9f-588f-b952-af95c5a79b7c.html#4

https://teslatulsanews.com/watch-now-new-tesla-in-tulsa-promo-video-released-starring-famous-oklahoma-voice-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 611
Elon Musk hints at Tulsa visit during latest push to get Tesla plant in Oklahoma – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-hints-at-tulsa-visit-during-latest-push-to-get-tesla-plant-in-oklahoma-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-hints-at-tulsa-visit-during-latest-push-to-get-tesla-plant-in-oklahoma-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:52:41 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=608 The push continues as the creative director at the Bear Agency Group, Cullen Koger, points out the biggest difference between Tulsa and Austin, which may be a huge factor for the decision where to build the new Tesla plant.

With a decision coming within weeks if not days, Tulsa began making one final argument Wednesday to convince Tesla to build a new “Cybertruck Gigafactory” here instead of in the Texas capital.


View full story at Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/tulsa-focuses-on-route-66-in-final-push-to-win-teslas-new-factory-musk-hints/article_ee7b7292-bddb-5f0e-aa6a-c53a3a3fddc9.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-hints-at-tulsa-visit-during-latest-push-to-get-tesla-plant-in-oklahoma-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 608
Tesla 2Q deliveries rise over 1Q despite factory shutdown – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-2q-deliveries-rise-over-1q-despite-factory-shutdown-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-2q-deliveries-rise-over-1q-despite-factory-shutdown-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:30:12 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=601 In the face of coronavirus-linked lockdown, Tesla raised deliveries than 1Q. This story has been corrected to show that Tesla Inc. sold 80,050 of its Models 3 and Y.

DETROIT — Tesla says it delivered more electric vehicles worldwide in the second quarter than it did in the first. The increase came even though coronavirus restrictions forced it to shut down its only U.S. factory for much of the period.


View full story at Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/ap/business/tesla-2q-deliveries-rise-over-1q-despite-factory-shutdown/article_34403675-97d0-5d3f-adf3-394d93294f22.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-2q-deliveries-rise-over-1q-despite-factory-shutdown-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 601
Tesla CEO Elon Musk makes visit to Tulsa to view possible site for factory – TulsaWorld https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-makes-visit-to-tulsa-to-view-possible-site-for-factory-tulsaworld/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-makes-visit-to-tulsa-to-view-possible-site-for-factory-tulsaworld/#respond Sat, 11 Jul 2020 10:37:16 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=593 Doubts of the Tulsans whether Tesla factory will be built in Tulsa, dissipated when CEO Elon Musk visited Tulsa for possible construction of the next factory. Gov. Kevin Stitt and Secretary of Commerce Sean Kouplen, together with Musk, engaged in conversations about the details of the candidate site for construction.

“The site is very important to Elon. He likes to get a feel for it. He really goes based upon his kind of personal feeling,” Kouplen said. “So that was a big part of it, just letting him experience the drive from downtown to the site.”

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-makes-visit-to-tulsa-to-view-possible-site-for-factory-tulsaworld/feed/ 0 593
Elon Musk to Visit Tulsa https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-to-visit-tulsa/ https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-to-visit-tulsa/#respond Thu, 02 Jul 2020 17:10:23 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=576 With a decision coming within weeks if not days, Tulsa began making one final argument Wednesday to convince Tesla to build a new “Cybertruck Gigafactory” here instead…

Read the full article here at Tulsa World!

https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-to-visit-tulsa/feed/ 0 576
Tesla and Elon Musk: What Tulsans need to know about both – TulsaWorld https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-and-elon-musk-what-tulsans-need-to-know-about-both-tulsaworld/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-and-elon-musk-what-tulsans-need-to-know-about-both-tulsaworld/#respond Wed, 24 Jun 2020 00:11:49 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=571 Here’s a video on what we need to know about the Tesla and Elon Musk.

Check out the full video on Tulsa World: https://www.tulsaworld.com/video/news/tesla-and-elon-musk-what-tulsans-need-to-know-about-both/video_c8f01a5f-4b57-5dbe-a676-9cbeb0cb495d.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-and-elon-musk-what-tulsans-need-to-know-about-both-tulsaworld/feed/ 0 571