Tesla Tulsa https://teslatulsanews.com Everything important about Tesla in Tulsa. Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:45:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/teslatulsanews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2020/05/cropped-Tesla-Tulsa-Fav.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Tesla Tulsa https://teslatulsanews.com 32 32 Michael Overall: It will take more than luck for Tulsa to become the next Austin – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:45:21 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=647 Tulsa will work hard if they want to win Tesla from Austin. But the Tulsan’s are not gonna give up that easily.

Sometime in 1966, a real estate agent came to the Austin Chamber of Commerce with a list of questions about the city. But he refused to name his client.The very next day, another agent arrived with the same list of questions but also refused to say who wanted the information.


View the full story at TulsaWorld: https://www.tulsaworld.com/news/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin/article_ebd2899c-c900-5880-9653-00f0f928e452.html

https://teslatulsanews.com/michael-overall-it-will-take-more-than-luck-for-tulsa-to-become-the-next-austin-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 647
Where are Tesla’s gigafactories? – FoxBusiness https://teslatulsanews.com/where-are-teslas-gigafactories-foxbusiness/ https://teslatulsanews.com/where-are-teslas-gigafactories-foxbusiness/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:39:38 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=644 Here are the locations of Tesla’s gigafactories:

Tesla CEO Elon Musk perked up the ears of leaders around the country when he complained about reopening roadblocks for his California factory and expressed interest in moving his headquarters to Nevada or Texas in May.


View full story at FoxBusiness: https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/tesla-gigafactory-austin-tulsa-oklahoma-buffalo

https://teslatulsanews.com/where-are-teslas-gigafactories-foxbusiness/feed/ 0 644
Tulsa, Austin Battle for New Tesla Factory Continues -NewsOn6 https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-austin-battle-for-new-tesla-factory-continues-newson6/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-austin-battle-for-new-tesla-factory-continues-newson6/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:35:52 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=642 Austin-based school is keeping up the heat with Tulsa for its battle for the new Tesla plant.

Elon Musk has not announced whether Austin or Tulsa will be home to the new factory.


View full story at NewsOn6: https://www.newson6.com/story/5ef08fe337ae6f2a4a9e8181/tulsa-austin-battle-for-new-tesla-factory-continues

https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-austin-battle-for-new-tesla-factory-continues-newson6/feed/ 0 642
Tesla’s Elon Musk shuts the door on Gigafactory Texas talk, but for how long? -TeslaRati https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-elon-musk-shuts-the-door-on-gigafactory-texas-talk-but-for-how-long-teslarati/ https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-elon-musk-shuts-the-door-on-gigafactory-texas-talk-but-for-how-long-teslarati/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:31:29 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=640 Tesla had the option to buy the land in Austin, but they didn’t secured a purchase agreement and exercised its right to buy the property.

I have to admit, I was pretty shocked. I have been following the situation closely for months, and it is pretty evident that Texas certainly has the most advantages. Not to mention, Elon definitely seems to be leaning toward it. He’s been talking about Texas since January, and we’ve already talked about the distinct advantages the state holds over any other location.


View full story at TeslaRati: https://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-shuts-the-door-on-texas-talk-but-for-how-long/

https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-elon-musk-shuts-the-door-on-gigafactory-texas-talk-but-for-how-long-teslarati/feed/ 0 640
Tesla Hasn’t Broken Tulsa’s Heart Yet, Texas Not Confirmed For Tesla Gigafactory – CleanTechnica https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-hasnt-broken-tulsas-heart-yet-texas-not-confirmed-for-tesla-gigafactory-cleantechnica/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-hasnt-broken-tulsas-heart-yet-texas-not-confirmed-for-tesla-gigafactory-cleantechnica/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:24:07 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=637 Tesla hasn’t decided where to build their new factory, leaving Tulsans a ray of hope in winning the decision as to where the factory is going to be built. According to CEO Elon Musk, they are considering several options.

Yesterday morning, it looked like Austin would definitely be the new location for Gigafactory 5 (Giga Texas). KXAN reported that Tesla submitted an application with the Del Valle Independent School District for “Gigafactory” and there are $68 million tax incentives proposed. 


View full story at CleanTechnica: https://cleantechnica.com/2020/06/19/tesla-hasnt-broken-tulsas-heart-yet-austin-not-confirmed-for-tesla-gigafactory/

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-hasnt-broken-tulsas-heart-yet-texas-not-confirmed-for-tesla-gigafactory-cleantechnica/feed/ 0 637
Tesla Analyst Estimates ‘Staggering’ 650K Cybertruck Preorders – Benzinga https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-analyst-estimates-staggering-650k-cybertruck-preorders-benzinga/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-analyst-estimates-staggering-650k-cybertruck-preorders-benzinga/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:16:52 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=634 Even Cybertruck is not yet done, preorders are increasing and rumored that Tesla’s first truck is going to be a big hit.

“We estimate that pre-order levels are staggering coming out of the gates since announced last year and currently stand north of 650k based on our estimate with momentum building for this latest Musk brainchild,” Ives wrote in a note


View full story at Benzinga: https://www.benzinga.com/analyst-ratings/analyst-color/20/06/16339272/tesla-analyst-estimates-staggering-650k-cybertruck-preorders

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-analyst-estimates-staggering-650k-cybertruck-preorders-benzinga/feed/ 0 634
Elon Musk says ‘several’ Tesla Cybertruck Gigafactory sites under consideration – CNET https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-says-several-tesla-cybertruck-gigafactory-sites-under-consideration-cnet/ https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-says-several-tesla-cybertruck-gigafactory-sites-under-consideration-cnet/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:06:35 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=631 Tesla CEO Elon Musk does not only consider Tulsa and Austin for Cybertruck Gigafactory sites.

“We are considering several options” – Tesla CEO Elon Musk (June 18 2020)


View full story at CNET: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-factory-texas-tulsa/

https://teslatulsanews.com/elon-musk-says-several-tesla-cybertruck-gigafactory-sites-under-consideration-cnet/feed/ 0 631
Tulsa vs. Austin to get Tesla: A look at the stats – Tulsa World https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats-tulsa-world/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats-tulsa-world/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:57:45 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=629 Comparison are shown between Tulsa and Austin as to who will get the new Tesla plant.

State and local leaders began pitching Oklahoma as the best home for Tesla’s new Cybertruck Gigafactory as soon as Elon Musk let it be known he was looking for a place to build in America’s heartland.


View full story at: https://www.tulsaworld.com/business/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats/collection_7b34607a-cab1-566c-b490-9628452a3d4a.html#13

https://teslatulsanews.com/tulsa-vs-austin-to-get-tesla-a-look-at-the-stats-tulsa-world/feed/ 0 629
Tesla faces criticism of Elon Musk in bid to bring Cybertruck factory to Texas – The Verge https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-faces-criticism-of-elon-musk-in-bid-to-bring-cybertruck-factory-to-texas-the-verge/ https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-faces-criticism-of-elon-musk-in-bid-to-bring-cybertruck-factory-to-texas-the-verge/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:52:35 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=626 If Tesla was to build its plant in Austin, people would have disapproving concerns regarding of some factors.

As Tesla made its first public pitch to bring its Cybertruck factory to Austin, Texas on Tuesday, the company faced concerns from citizens about its treatment of workers, the proposal’s impact on the local housing crisis, the need to give the automaker tax breaks, and most of all, CEO Elon Musk.


View story at The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/24/21300909/tesla-austin-cybertruck-gigafactory-elon-musk-tax-breaks

https://teslatulsanews.com/tesla-faces-criticism-of-elon-musk-in-bid-to-bring-cybertruck-factory-to-texas-the-verge/feed/ 0 626
Tesla’s TX plans opposed by Travis County GOP official: ‘Texans need to stand up to Musk’ – TESLARATI https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-tx-plans-opposed-by-travis-county-gop-official-texans-need-to-stand-up-to-musk-teslarati/ https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-tx-plans-opposed-by-travis-county-gop-official-texans-need-to-stand-up-to-musk-teslarati/#respond Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:46:06 +0000 https://teslatulsanews.com/?p=624 Travis County GOP opposed Tesla’s TX plans and urge Texans to stand up to Musk.

esla’s plans for its Cybertruck Gigafactory in Travis County, Texas have received some strong opposition from Matt Mackowiak, the chairman of the Travis County GOP. In a scathing op-ed posted on The Statesman, Mackowiak urged Texas to “stand up to Musk” citing the CEO’s reputation, SpaceX’s ongoing activities in the state, and the challenges faced by Gigafactory New York. 


View full story at TESLARATI: https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-elon-musk-cybertruck-gigafactory-plans-opposed-tx-gop/

https://teslatulsanews.com/teslas-tx-plans-opposed-by-travis-county-gop-official-texans-need-to-stand-up-to-musk-teslarati/feed/ 0 624